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Doubled Edged Sword

Down the Rabbit Hole

“I flipped back and forth but I always knew I wanted to do film. Creighton, my undergrad, didn’t have a film program so I got a film minor while I was at Creighton but, umm, I didn’t know what I was doing in psychology honestly. Between English and business, it was always like, which one is going to be more useful for me and getting into film. I probably should have stuck with business but, umm, but I think, ya know, the English studies definitely helped me get into the program that I am in now and with that Creighton had one, really one, film class. It was a Bollywood class and it was an awesome class and the professor was great so I got to know her more and she became my academic advisor and my thesis advisor so she’s definitely kinda the reason that I got into film school and into a good film school, umm, and I would say that’s the academic influence.

There wasn’t really a personal influence that pointed me toward film. That was always just something I kind of found on my own. If there is anything, it would be umm… I was always kind of fascinated by the behind the scenes stuff of film and when I was younger my brother and I would watch the Marvel movies and other superhero stuff. He really enjoyed the content and I think I was really interested in what’s going on behind the scenes so the way the characters are getting traded around by different corporations, the intellectual property transactions and the way that all of that stuff works has always fascinated me so pursuing film is a way for me to kind of get more into that and since then it has grown and I think I am much more. I have like a more, or a better sense of artistic literacy now obviously then when I was younger. I think that I am kinda able to parse through and more interested in how different brands are working now. I don’t know. It’s just…kinda spirals, like with anything else and I’m down the rabbit hole for sure.”

Male, North Carolina

Photo: NCpedia